Saturday, October 29, 2005

How To Get The Date Of Your Dreams!

What do people look for in a date? Once you have the answer to this question you will have the power to appeal to any women/man you want. So let's have a look at some of the basics.

Remember the saying "you never get a second chance to make a great first impression." Well, as explain in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" this statement is also true in the dating world. Did you know that when meeting someone for the first time they will evaluate, judge and most likely stereotype you all in the first 3 minutes? That's right, all in the first 3 minutes! The first few minutes of meeting someone new are so crucial, you must learn to make those minutes work FOR you, and not against you. And since much of this judgment is based on physical appearance and what is communicated in those first few minutes, we can actually adjust our behavior to obtain better results. Here are a few tips to help you achieve this.

Dress to Impress!
How should you dress when meeting someone for the first time? You should wear a well put together outfit, you will look great and portray more confidence. So first, always wear clothes that fit the occasion. You don't want to meet someone at a fancy restaurant in jeans and a t-shirt when the other person is dressed to kill. Second, always wear a well coordinated outfit that fits you well. Show off a bit of your curves or muscle. By looking clean and stylish you show that you care about your appearance and how you portray yourself. Believe me, people will take notice. When meeting someone for the first time especially in those first 3 minutes image is everything.

When ever you go out you should take the time to look your best. After all you never know when you might run into the Date Of Your Dreams. And remember to accessorize, a new belt or nice watch. Accessories really do make a big difference to an outfit and to your look. People will respond to the image you project, basically if you look like a bum, you will be treated like a bum. So if you want to have more sex appeal, wear something that makes you feel sexy. If you want to have more control, wear something that make you feel like you have authority. Once you have the wardrobe for your desired image consider the other behaviors that attribute to your personal persona. Be aware of your physical gestures, how you make eye contact etc. What ever you wear be sure to show good taste. The outfit can portray any image you wish, relaxed, retro or professional but you must look clean and it must be done in good taste.

Guys today's women will take notice of everything to do with your grooming habits. Things like has he showered, hair washed and styled? Are his clothes clean, does he smell nice? And, all these little things really do matter to most women. And ladies, many guys today care about the very same things. They want their date to look hot with freshly washed and styled hair, nice clothes and smell pretty. So before you go out on that date be sure to take some extra time getting ready. Show your date you care about your appearance. Make sure you have showered, brushed your teeth, cleaned your nails, and wear nice perfume/cologne. Show you care about your appearance and you will greatly improve your chances for success!

Fit As A Fiddle:
Now you don't have to be a buffed body builder, but you should make an effort to stay fit. And , not just for your own health. Exercise not only makes you look good, but it will make you feel great as well. Also, that trimmer waist line will do wonders for increasing your energy helping you to go All Night Long with your date. When someone looks good, carries themself well and has good posture it's an indication of a good lover - both in men and women.

People love those who are unique, someone with individuality. Do a self-analysis of yourself, what quality (or qualities) do you possess that makes you different, one of a kind.. Then draw attention to that quality. Do you drive a car that is different, is your jewelry different. Something small like wearing a hat will give you individuality, it will make you stand out from the crowd. For fun try wearing a stetson or fedora, then watch to see what kind of reaction you get.

You must appear to be confident in your every move. Having self-confidence is some thing you can learn. Even if you are not too confident right now you can pretend to be. Yes, that's right pretend to be. To appear to be confident, always look people in the eyes when speaking to them. Breath normally, and speak in a slow controlled manner. Don't fidget. And when the other person speaks, give all your attention to them. I know this can be difficult at first, but the more you practice the easier it will get. Trust me.

Show Respect:
Everyone wants to be admired and appreciated. If you show the Date of your Dreams that he/she is important to you, that what he/she has to say is important to you, you will be easily in their good graces. You do this by being attentive. Make sure your date is comfortable, and content. Give compliments, find the thing that others would miss and compliment that. Really listen during your conversations. Simply admire the person you are with, show respect, make him/her feel good about his/herself and the Date of your Dreams will always want to be around you.

If you can make someone laugh, you will often be able to win their heart as well. Don't be too serious, relax and have some fun. Laugh out loud and your Dream Date with laugh along with you. Be happy, be funny, and love life.

Good Luck!
Marie Clare

Author Info:

Marie Clare specializes in writing about Dating, Relationships and Romance. Check out her lastest Best Selling eBook "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" plus reviews of the Best Online Dating Sites, FREE Articles, Tips and Advice at

A Recipe For Romance

So, tonight's the night. You want to have a Romantic evening with your Lady. What's this, hesitation? O.K. your nervous, what if you can't pull this off? Well, let me help! I'll walk you through a complete Romantic Day fit for a Queen. Your sweetie will feel so loved, she will be amazed with all the effort you put into this one day just for her. Now, as explained in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" you'll need to start planning this a few days in advance.

On the day you choose as the Romantic day start with this: Once your Love leaves for work send her an email that will be there when she opens the morning emails. Keep it fairly short. Say something like, "I miss you already, so I am making today your Romantic Day! All my Love (you)." Now you've made your sweetie very curious as to what it is you have up your sleeve.

Next, have flowers delivered to her work place. Roses work best, but if too expensive use carnations instead. A red and white rose mix says, unity, true love, innocence. Or red and white carnations show admiration and pure love. Have some baby's breath thrown in to show happiness. Have these delivered just after lunch so the entire office will see just how sweet her fella is. Include a note saying "Just an other part of your Romantic Day!" Trust me this will really make her day. And, once again you've peaked her interest. While your speaking with your florist order some rose petals. They're usually very inexpensive, and they'll be ready when you wish to pick them up.

Once the later part of the afternoon rolls around you will have to begin setting up for dinner. In advance of this day get together some Romantic accessories. You will need candle holders, and candles. Place mats, a table cloth, even some silk flowers in a vase you can add to the table. You'll also need wine or champagne. Find yourself a tape/cd of Romantic Music. An oldie but goodie would be a Barry White album. For dinner itself, you may be surprised to learn that it really doesn't have to be exotic. What ever you are good at cooking is just find. A lot of times it is the small jesters and atmosphere that makes the difference. So, if pasta is your thing, that's cool. Just dress it up a bit. Make a nice chefs salad as an appetizer. Find a local bakery and pick up some fresh buns or biscuits. While you're there pick up something for dessert. And, since most women loooove chocolate I'd go with some sort of chocolate layer cake. Well...really...anything chocolate would be great!

Now that you have dinner under control and you are chilling the wine/champagne it's time for you to get you ready. You need to shower, brush your teeth, splash on some great cologne, and find something really sexy to wear. Here is where you're going to have a bit of fun with your sweetie. Find a sexy pair of underwear and put just a housecoat over them. Now, write your sweetie a note, say something like "Sweetie, I had such a busy day I was tired and had to lie down, please come to the bedroom when you get home." Leave the note where she'll find it as soon as she comes in. Now, remember those rose petals? Sprinkle them on the floor leading to your bedroom, also put some on the bed. You should be lying there in your most sexy pose when she opens the door.

Well, I think you can take it from here ;-)

Have fun!
Marie Clare
Author Info:

Marie Clare: Marie Clare specializes in writing about Dating, Relationships and Romance. Check out her lastest Best Selling eBook "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" plus reviews of the Best Online Dating Sites, FREE Articles, Tips and Advice at

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Seduction of Sexy Women: How to Attract the Super Hot Women by Being Direct

By Vincent DiCarlo

The extremely attractive women in this world are used to male attention. Period.

And should it surprise you?

Of course not. Well in this article, I am going to tell you the #1 way of attracting one of these high-calliber women.

First, I want to tell you what it is like to be one of these women. It's important to be able to see the world through an attractive woman's eyes.

Imagine just for a second...

You are walking from the subway to the store to return a pair of shoes you bought last week.

Not one minute off the subway, a man looks at you and smiles. He holds eye contact past the point of being comfortable, but says nothing, and keeps walking.

Now on the street, another guy looks at you and exclaims "Wow, you're hot." And continues to watch you as you walk past him.

What was he expecting? Did he thing you would turn around and chase him down simply because he expressed his interst? Jeez. This is getting old. You just want to return your shoes!

Once in the store, you are on your way to the counter when a very sophisticated older gentleman approaches you.

He seems very nice and holds up a conversation pretty well. He tells you your eyes are pretty, and he was intrigued by your smile.

This is somewhat refreshing, since he seems to pay attention to you.

But his compliments don't stop there. Now he is looking at your breasts. And he is telling you your shirt is also very pretty. Ok Ok... enough old man, I get it.

And now he is telling you he would like to buy you a diamond necklace to go with your shirt.

What? What did you do to win this man's attention? He must be very desperate. Does he do this to every girl?? Can you see how frustrating life can be for one of these women?

Every man is either too scared to make a real approach or so nice that it is sickening.


That's right. The way to get the attention and build attraction with these women isn't through money, fame or good looks. You must be different and distinguish yourself from every other guy who has given her attention in the past 24 hours.

In a nutshell, the two most effective ways to distinguish yourself from the monotony and endless barrage of boring men lies in the following two behaviors.

1. Have the confidence to approach, hold eye contact and have a normal conversation with her.

Most men are intimidated by beautiful women. Don't be one of them.

2. Be more impressed by her personality than her physical beauty.

Take the time to learn what makes her special from every other woman around you. Learn about her intersts, passions and dreams. Then use those as starting points to demonstrate your interest in her.

Mastering those two things will put you light years ahead of most men out there, and put you in a position to find a really beautiful woman who appreciates being with you as well.

-- Vincent DiCarlo is a World Famous Dating Coach. His experience came from years of training pickup artists in underground seduction lairs across the East Coast. He currently runs theApproach: The Science of Social Chemistry for the Modern Gentleman, with his partner Sebastian Drake, and teaches men of all ages and backgrounds to meet, attract and seduce the most beautiful women of the world.

Find out what your skill level is with a free Personal Evaluation by visiting:

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Monday, October 24, 2005

Pickup and Seduction: How NOT to Trigger a Woman's Sense of Rejection

By Vincent DiCarlo

By now, it is pretty well accepted that women like a man who is a little bit cocky. If you are interested in dating more women, then pay close attention.

It's true. If a man is confident, bordering on cocky, he will present himself as a challenge, and we all know women love challenges.

Other times, a man can go too far with this behavior and make a woman feel so insecure, she feels underqualified.

Sometimes going to far with any technique, no matter how good, will not get your desired results. In the case of acting too arrogant, a woman will sometimes feel so rejected, she starts to pull away.

What happened is, you triggered her "Auto-Rejection Mechanism".

She interpreted one of your actions as rejection, and as such, she responded in a way to shield herself from further rejection.

Metaphorically speaking, you stuck in the knife, and she was merely attemtping to prevent you from twisting it.

It's a natural response to that type of thing.

It may look like she's shutting you down, and isn't attracted, but in reality it's a completly rational response to your mis-callibration.

There are a couple of very common situations in which a woman's auto-rejection mechanism is triggered.

These are:

1. Using cocky humor in a miscallibrated or overly serious way.

It is very important to blend your humor with a very warm vibe. Your body language and tonality should be implying that you are busting on her in a very caring way. Oh, and be sure to smile.

2. Showing disapproval when you are in your screening and qualification phase.

If she is attracted and at the point where she is talking about herself in an attempt to win you over, let her. Show approval and be genuinely interested in what she has to say. Don't punish her for opening up to you and trying to win you over.

3. Creating an opportunity for physical escalation and not following through.

This is very common, and actually we get a LOT of questions about this phenomenon. Sometimes a guy will have a girl ready to go, ready for sex, and he will either escalate too slowly or not at all. Out of the blue, the woman stops returning his calls.

If you produce a window of opportunity for physical escalation, make it happen.

4. Not calling her after sex, and expecting her to follow up.

After sex, sometimes a guy will feel as if he has won, and a girl should now persue him. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

If a woman opens up to you physically, she needs to be comforted in a way that doesn't make you seem like a player. (That is, if you wish to make the relatioship go further than a one night stand...)

If you feel you have gotten into this type of cycle, do not fear. There are remedies for it.

1. Spot it early.

If you notice that she may be pulling away because of underqualification, that is a sure sign of the Auto-Rejection Mechanism.

2. Falsely disqualify yourself.

Once you know that she is definitely attracted but a bit scared of being rejected by you, tell her something like this:

"You know, I think I may be too much of a bad guy, and the last thing I want to do is break your heart."

This will set up a challenge for her to conquer and will cause her to argue the other side of your point. She will once again become interested.

3. Qualify her for not playing games.

Tell her:

"You know, it's really refreshing to know a girl who isn't into playing games with guys. You seem very up front, honest and confident in going after those things that you really want."

This will give her a bit more confidence in showing her interest in you. It will also stop her in her tracks from playing hard to get.

Using those techniques will give you a safety net for going overboard with cocky humor, which seems to be a very common sticking point these days.


Vincent DiCarlo is a world famous dating coach. His experience comes from years of training pickup artists in underground seduction lairs across the East Coast. He currently runs theApproach: The Science of Social Chemistry for the Modern Gentleman, with his partner Sebastian Drake, and teaches men of all ages and backgrounds to meet, attract and seduce the most beautiful women of the world.

Find out what your skill level is with a free Personal Evaluation by visiting:

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Attract and Seduce Women: Becoming an Attractive Person

By Sebastian Drake

Let's take a step back, my friend.

I love the techniques and flourishes used to meet women, and date them. And make solid connections and relationships, if that's your bag, or get laid, if that's what you'd like. Or both.

But there's one little big thing that's absolutely crucial to your success.

You need to take the time to become a more attractive person.

Most people don't like how they look to some extent. And many people use this as an excuse to not try their best. I hear men acting defeated that they're not six feet tall, so they don't even try. They let themselves go entirely.

Let me tell you: A woman will take a guy of just about any height that's well-groomed, healthy, and fashionable over a tall guy who is a mess.

If you're serious about getting the women of your dreams, you should make a commitment to spend a few minutes each day grooming yourself.

A big list of little things that'll make you infinitely more attractive:

-Doing your hair

-Cutting your fingernails

-Washing your face

-Taking a shower

-Styling your hair

-Shaving or trimmering your beard

-Clean clothes

-Clothes that fit your figure well

-Chapstick or lip balm

-Adjusting clothing to look good (tucking/untucking, how many buttons done up, etc)

-Cleaning your shoes

-Color coordinating an outfit



-Eating healthy for even just a few days in a row

-Any kind of exercise, even just 20 pushups once a day

And so on.

Doing little things like that will make a drastic difference. Get a haircut. If you've got a collared shirt, go get it pressed at the dry cleaner's. There's now convenient teeth whitening strips available at the grocery store. I did it, and I'm really happy I did. My teeth sparkle. Took me a few minutes a day for a couple weeks.

Don't do these things to "get women". They'll help a lot, but the main reason you should be doing this is for you.

And treat yourself to a couple cool, simple accessories. I like to buy relatively cheap sunglasses because I seem to lose shades about every three months, but I have fun with them while I've got them. My current pair is light blue and transparent. My last pair were throwback 70's-style rose-colored shades.

Rings are good. If you don't want to make a big production or commitment to getting a piece of jewelry, just go put $2 worth of quarters into the little jewelry machine in front of any supermarket. You'll probably get 1 or 2 interesting rings that'll fit on your pinky.

Get a bracelet or a necklace that has some meaning behind it. It doesn't have to be outrageous. A silver necklace from your religion, if you have one, is good. A Crucifix, Star of David, or Moon and Star will work fine. Could be a symbol from one of the planets. It could be anything with something interesting, unique, or important to you on it.

It'll help with conversation and it'll make you stand out from the others a little bit. Bracelets go the same way, by the way. Though it's quite mainstream, something simply like a Lance Armstrong "Live Strong" bracelet would show some character and style on your part.

Something I make sure to tell my wealthy students: It's more important that your accessories are stylish and interesting than they show you're wealthy. For example, a friend of mine is involved in real estate and does pretty well. He has two watches: One is a blue-faced solid gold Rolex. The other is a cheap Nike runner's watch.

He's into the study of seduction himself, and he came to find his yellow runner's watch is better for meeting women than his Rolex. Of course, this varies, but being interesting and stylish is far more important than appearing rich (which you can appear to some extent if you're not wealthy, but carry yourself well).

Body language and posture: I could go on about subtle nuances of body language for a while, but let me give you two major components. First, rise up to your full height. Never slouch, slump, or such. You'll look defeated. Rise up to your full height regardless of if you're short or tall.

Second, pick your chin up. Everywhere. Hold your head high, so your chin is parallel to the ground at worst. Having your chin pointed higher, towards the sky, is okay, but never look down towards the ground as you walk, sit, or talk with someone.

Do little things. Technique takes a bit of time to develop, and is great, but you can greatly supplement your technique by taking just a few minutes to do one little thing for yourself.


Sebastian Drake has been writing in the fields of Seduction, Diplomacy, and Leadership for the past five years. In the past two years, he has won praise and accolodates for his oustanding and effective coaching on live programs, workshops, and seminars. He is a cofounder of theApproach: The Science of Social Chemistry for the Modern Gentleman, bringing profound lifestyle changes to any man's social, romantic, and sex life.

Get your FREE PDF report: Creating an Attractive Identity. Visit:

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Attract Females with Confidence, The Secrets to Finally Dating Women

By Kathleen Lieu

Single and strong yet at the same time desperate females are the new images of women these days and you see this portrayed in the media. I am not talking about Desperate Housewives-- for one, I never hop the bandwagon and watch or like what everyone else likes. But that doesn't not make my judgment of men out of sync and "whack." I digress. My point is the reason why so many women out there are single is because they believe the "good men" are all taken. Having a larger population of women in the world generally does not help either.

So women are desperate. Why are so many men still single and seeking help from articles such as this one?

For one, men need to have more confidence. Not to the level where they shoot their noses and chins in the air and they are disgustingly arrogant. A slight air of arrogance is sexy. Too much is not.

Building more confidence can start slowly. Learn to look a person and not just a woman one is attracted to in the eye. Stand up straight and tall. Don't try to distinguish oneself with stupid comments, jokes, and noises. Immaturity is such a turn off, especially when women these days are out for the kill, meaning they are serious most of the time. It doesn't mean boyish charms are turnoffs as well. Just be able to differentiate between the two. A shy smile, some genuine naivete is not the same as hair pulling, fart jokes, burping, and butt scratching.

Relationships are so hard to form and so easy to destroy these days, proven by the vast amounts of Dating for Dummies and other such literature on the subject. Love is taken granted for, hearts are broken, and bonds are not ever-lasting. We have cynics and skeptics, we have the strong romantics, we have so many females out there waiting for romance.

Sometimes, people are overlooked, males and females alike.

It is also the sad truth that we are build to be superficial-- yes, we are, no matter how much you think you aren't, you will still like what is beautiful to you-- and a good population of people are generally not good-looking.

For men, confidence can help with your looks. As well as a nod to the metrosexuals, just don't overdo it. A guy who spends more time obsessing about his looks than a typical woman is not exactly attractive. Showing vanity is a no no. It doesn't mean you should spend five minutes in the bathroom each day, throw together some mismatched outfit and have pieces of dandruff in your hair and dead skin/dirt on your face and hands.

Just know, you are doing this for yourself. When you are ready for a relationship, build your confidence, take care of yourself, and try to loosen up a bit. Sweep girls off their feet. They are tired from waiting for the right one. Compromises, people... We must all compromise and make little sacrifices for what we want in the end!

My free ebooks are at Ebookia... As a struggling new author, I need your support! :)

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Monday, October 17, 2005

Three Ways to Make a Woman Happy - II

By Arvind Katoch

In the first article, I have discussed about the three things which women like most. By using these three things, we can improve our relationships with Women. Women is the most sweet and complex creature on earth. It is really easy to understand her and also difficult simultaneously. While making a relation with the women, we should take care of certain things. In this article I am sharing three more things, which should we taken care of in relationship to women.

First is listening to them. Women really like some one listen to them. They are mad for this. They always run for some one who can listen to them uninterruptedly. Women want to speak more and listen less. This is due to their mother nature. Like their child, they like everybody to listen to them. You may be saying this is difficult. Women speak more. This is their basic nature. We cannot change it. We have to learn to live with it. You need to give some time for listening to her. One hour average a day can work wonders. But this is required to be a continuous effort and not a single day effort. You may not say a single word, but listening to her carefully is enough.

Second thing is remembering the dates related to her and your relationship like her birthday, marriage anniversary, date when you first met her, date when you purpose her etc. Women are obsessed with dates. They like it very much when you remember dates associated to her. Just does the simple task, on her this birthday give her surprise party? You will find amazing results for it. I advice every body to make special dairy of dates associated with her or now days with technology advancements one can set computer alarms. This is really a wonderful idea, if implemented properly. I again say this is great idea and going to be successful with 99.9% women.

Third is realizing your emotions to her. Women like if you show your emotion with her. They may be related to her or to others. Women are the masters of emotions. They like if some one share with them their emotions. Like if you are feeling love for her, just go and share it. She will appreciate your efforts. Moreover if are feeling sad or upset with something, simply go and share it with her. She will like it and tell you many ways to overcome it. She creates an atmosphere around you, which will be very soothing to you. Sharing emotion is beneficial as it help in making relations stronger. Second we can become more active emotionally by learning new things from her.

Try these three things, they will we really going change your life. A FRIEND

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Picking Up Women At The Local Laundromat

By Rachel Davis

Ok, you’ve probably heard that Laundromats are great pick up places, better than a singles bar – that’s because they are! Maybe not better, but certainly a great alternative that’s just as good. You can pretend your entire motive is to wash clothes, and that you’re not on the make. The woman won’t have that feeling like you’re just trying to pick her up if you strike up a chat here – even if that’s exactly what you’re doing!

What really helps you out here is that women like to talk, and they love to give advice – especially to “helpless” men! First of all, pick a good Laundromat – meaning one where you’ve seen lots of attractive women who aren’t dragging a bunch of kids with them or wearing wedding rings. Basically, pick one in a neighborhood with lots of young, single women – they’ll be using the Laundromat close to home. And don’t worry if you already have a washing machine at home, it’s worth the trip out and a little change to meet women! If you meet someone that eventually makes it back to your place and discovers you have a machine at home, just tell her it was broken, or better yet, be honest and say you went to the Laundromat hoping to meet someone, and that was the best decision you ever made because you met her.

But let’s back up, first you’ve got to meet her! So go to the Laundromat with your basket of clothes – no detergent. Make sure you don’t bring anything a woman might find disgusting – like really dingy, holey underwear, badly stained T-shirts, or socks that used to be white but now look like you walked through mud in them. However, something slightly stained won’t hurt – like a grass stain on your jeans or chocolate sauce on a shirt. You can use this later to help with the conversation

Go in, plop your laundry basket down on a machine near one or more ladies you wouldn’t mind picking up, and start digging through the basket like you’re looking for something. Then say out loud to yourself, “Oh, man, I forgot the detergent!” Laundromats usually have a vending machine selling detergent, so go over and start browsing. Act like you don’t know which one to pick, then go to the woman you want to chat up and say, “Excuse me, they don’t have my regular detergent here and I don’t know what to use. Can you help me pick one out?” Women can’t resist an opportunity to give advice, and they love the idea that men might be helpless when it comes to some chores, like laundry. This is where, if you’ve got the grass stain or whatever, you can bring that up and say you don’t know what to do to get it out. She may come over and show you how to rub detergent on the stain, etc. After you get the detergent, go back to your machine, fumble around, and go back to her and say, “I’m sorry to keep bothering you, but these machines are different than what I’m used to and I don’t know what setting to use. Could you give me a hand? I’m sorry to seem so helpless.” Milk the helpless bit for all it’s worth. Ask her how much detergent to use, what colors you can wash together, and what temperature to set the water at – whatever you can think of.

Also, if the Laundromat doesn’t have a vending machine for detergent, ask the woman if you can borrow some of hers. Insist on paying her back by paying for her washing or dryer use. Either way, once you’ve got her talking, keep chatting about clothes as long as that stays interesting – once it starts to get lame and boring, ditch the topic! Make sure and introduce yourself and get her name, then start asking her about herself. Find out where she works, what she does for fun, what movies or bands she likes, what her favorite types of food are. You can use that info as she’s packing up her clothes to leave – Say, “Thanks so much for the help. I’d love to pay you back by taking you out for some Italian food (or going to hear that band you like, or see that movie you said you’d been dying to see.)”

And one last thing, be ready with an explanation of why you’re using this particular Laundromat if it’s not in your neighborhood, just in case she asks. Make sure you pick one that’s not too far from home, and just say the one in your neighborhood was full and you didn’t want to wait for a machine. Now grab some change, a pile of dirty clothes, and get ready to bag that babe!

Rachel Davis shows you how to pickup women anywhere by enhancing your conversation skills. Visit her site at

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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Online Dating Services - First Date

By Anees Ahmed

Online dating should be easy, full of fun and simple. That's why we strive to offer some of the best dating tips to think about when going out on dates. These dating tips are to make your stress lighter and control your excitements. These will also help you in making your date smile brighter.

It goes this way. You've previously sent out a tease to someone whose profile has aroused your curiosity and interest in you for that person. It was, maybe, due to their amazing profile, their electrifying photos or their magnetic personal values as mentioned in their profile. Now, you find that they have responded you positively to your tease and your mail inbox is filled with their messages, which are waiting for you. That's the way, how you are going to meet great singles at an online dating site nowadays.

You could be either experienced dater or newbie. If that's the case, then thoughts of preparation for first date could make you nervous and your mind will be flooded with queries such as where to meet? What should I wear? Do I need to take a gift? How this person would be? Would I be able to talk smoothly and keep my conversation going? and so on.

Now, just take a moment and relax. There is nothing to fear about. Believe in yourself and enjoy the moment of dating. Read the following and get more ideas to come over your anxieties.

Ask first
Find out first if your prospective date is interested to be with you. Send mails or call up to say "would you mind for an evening cup of coffee together", "what do you say for brunch at SunShine this Sunday" or something similar which you think your date would easily accept to meet. Don't just ask someone out for the sake of it but find someone if you are really interested to go for first date and also you partner is interested. If your proposal is accepted then go ahead and fix the time and place for meeting.

Pick the right spot
When you decide to go for your first date, there are lot of options. Either you can meet your date at the public place, at the good restaurant, at yours or date's house or even go for a movie. Two hours movie date may not be so good to start with. You perhaps don't want to sit and stare each other and if movie is good, you may get engrossed so much that you might ignore your date.

Ideally, most dating couples prefer an open place which is cozy but also surrounded with people. It should not be very crowded where you your privacy is hampered. Most suitable places are coffee shop, happy hour bar or casual lunch joint where you have good time to begin with formal intro, discussion on general issues and get to know each other. Remember that your intention should not be to impress your date with lavish ambience. If you don't know such place then check it out with your friends and colleagues or even your date. A first date should be impressive and memorable.

Tell your friends about your date
Sharing haps with friends will lighten up and appease any safety worries you might have. Also, you will have someone to share your first date moments of laughs and glee, if any.

Don't keep the high hope
Remember one thing that you are going on a first date and not for marriage. You are going to see a strange person, whom you do not know much about. Consider that you'll see only a friend in your first date. Keeping this momentum will takes the pressure off and is one of the keys to a fantastic first date.

Be on time
It is advisable to be on time or little bit early on your first date. Should also expect the same from your date. If you make too late then chances are that either you'll miss the date or you'll lose the excitement of meeting someone for the first time.

Impressive Dressing
Clothing do play vital role in first date. New clothes are preferred. if not then go for your best of collection which will fit you well and you feel most comfortable, good and fabulous. Remember, "dress to kill" on your first date. Also make sure that you that whatever you wear is appropriate for the place you're meeting at. Of course, neat and clean personality will definitely follow more dates to come.

A good conversation will also impress your date. Speak in soft and gentle tone. Conversation with a gentle and confident voice will help you in building impressive personality in the eyes of your date. An impressive conversation in the beginning will help you in building good relationship in coming dates. Give the compliment to your date which should sound more genuine than appeasing. Pay attention to your date. Listen what your date says. Avoid complaining on the very first date. Also, avoid discussing about your ex-boy or girlfriends and how you broke with them. Avoid painting negative part of your dating experience in front of your date first time.

Give Respect
Respect your date. Pay due attention when your date is talking. Be respectful and polite. Give more space in talking to your date rather than giving yourself more attention and importance. Give enough time to your date to express his or her views. Monitor your conversation specially the humor. What is more hilarious to you may not be funny to your date. But if you both find something amusing then laugh up a storm. Use thank you's and sorry in your conversation frequently.

Keep the momentum live
If you find everything is going well and you liked the company of the person then go ahead and ask for the next dates. Tell your date how you felt nice on the first date. If your date has also enjoyed then chances are that you'll get positive reply sooner or later.

At the end of date, thank your date for joining you and say something nice before you depart. wishes you all the best on your first date.

Author has done tremendous research on online dating. He has given valuable tips and advices to his clients, which proved to be more successful for them in their dating lives.

Article Source:

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Living Together Without Marriage Improves Men’s Mental Health

by Jeffrey Broobin

When a man lives with a woman, without benefit of marriage, it will improve a man’s health, but for women being married, will make them happier.

A study in England of thousands of women and men found that people who went through the good and bad times with the original mate and stayed together were much happier mentally.

It was also found that men who played the field got over the relationships when they ended much quicker then women did. Women who stay single who once had a great love that did not work out tended to be mentally stable.

The fact that women who live with a man without benefit of marriage are not as happy as the men is because there is no financial protection for them when the relationship ends. Security is everything to women and marriage represents

stability and although the relationship can end they will have some rights. This explains why women who are married are more mentally stable then if they simply lived together.

Women have children and need a stable lifestyle and a strong desire to protect themselves and their kids. So marriage is very important financially and also there is the question of respect that everyone needs. If a women has her own career and here own money these thing may be less important.

From a man’s point of view and if he’s over 25 security is not very important. But most men don’t want to be squeezed into a relationship by the women he loves. He want’s it to be his idea. The trick for a woman is to make him believe it is His Idea.

Being married has always been associated with greater mental and physical health. Bachelors don’t live, as long, at least that’s what the myth indicates. In the past studies have shown married men live a longer life with greater psychological happiness.

There was an English study for 10 years ending in the millennium of 10,000 adults. Both men and women were interviewed and asked a series of questions about being depressed or anxious.

Long-lasting relationships that have weathered the storm provided excellent mental health.

People that had failed relationships and were now alone had combinations of grief and anger and were often depressed. Both men and women had poor mental health after this experience. But for those who could move on to new relationships, much of the damage was somewhat reversed. Although women seemed to have a harder time of letting go than men did.

Women's mental health progressively deteriorated with the more break-ups they experienced.

For men that had several different experiences it seemed the opposite was true. Men who had more then one relationship and moved on seemed to be in excellent mental health. Those men that had only one relationship and not moved on were not as mentally stable.

Women who never married but lived with their mate were in great mental health unlike men in the same situation.

About the Author: Jeffrey Broobin is a free-lance writer on family and finance issues; his main goal is to help people during their complicated period of life. Website: Email:


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Singles Alert: Online Dating Strategies You Want To Know

By: Erick Shipmon

Thanks to the Internet, singles have more choices when it comes to dating that they can shake the proverbial stick at. And all those online dating choices are just waiting for singles with the online dating savvy to take advantage of them.

And you have that savvy. Don’t think so? Of course you do! You’re here, aren’t you? Now all you need are a few online dating strategies to get and keep you going. The mistake most singles make when using an online dating service is that they think that all they have to do is join a site, post a profile along with a picture, maybe, and PRESTO, their email box will fill up with all the dating offers they could ever want.

While this may be true for some lucky online dating singles, it isn’t true for most of us. We need to take care when writing our personals ads and profiles. Then we have to wait . . . and wait . . . and...

The waiting, though, is a good indication that we need to make adjustments in our profiles. Or maybe we need to switch to a different singles category. Getting your profile just right so that it gets noticed can take awhile, so don’t get discouraged. Just visit your profile weekly and make changes to it as needed until you start seeing results.

When your email box does start filling up with profiles of other singles, there are a few things you want to keep in mind for your online dating strategy.

• Don’t rush into anything. In other words, don’t take the first offer that comes along. There will be more, so be patient.

• Read the profiles thoroughly. Don’t always go for the fab face. Fab faces are, well, fab, but consider the close-to-fab faces too because they may have a lot more in common with you and just be nicer overall. So read those profiles!

• Forget obsessing. I know, that’s like telling a dog to forget his, er, bone. Still, getting fixated on one person will certainly cause you a lot of frustration and even hurt. Your mama always told you there is more than one fish in the sea, and she was right (Isn’t she always! Just don’t ever tell her so!). If one potential date doesn’t work out, look for one—or more—who will.

• Be wary of being too sexual in your wording. Lots of singles try to be sexually clever in their emails because they think it’s cute. Don’t make this mistake. Other singles will more likely think you’re a pervert or are just interested in one thing (and while this may be true and perfectly fine, most people want you to at least appear to be interested in them as people too, okay?). So use your words carefully.

• Take care not to give out too much personal information such as your address, home and/or work email address and phone number. Sad to say, but you can’t trust everybody, so be careful. Keep your personal information personal until you have met someone face to face, usually in a neutral location. Better safe than sorry (Mom was right again, darn it)!

• Always be honest. Sure, there’s a tendency among online singles to stretch the truth a bit, and it’s even expected. Telling outrageous lies, though, will get you busted when, and if, you ever actually get to meet the could-be date of your dreams. And that’s a good way to end a potentially great relationship before it even gets started!

About the Author: Erick Shipmon is currently the President and CEO of Online Dating Service and Personals which is quickly becoming the hottest, most desirable singles community on the web. online dating services include: E-mail, Live Chat, Live Video, and FREE VoIP Broadband Long Distance

Friday, October 07, 2005

Dating Tips: You Can Get The Kind Of Women You Have Always Wanted

by: Giuseppe Notte

Guys who have lower self confidence when it comes to women like to think that they don't "deserve" to get the kind of women they want deeply inside. Well, if you belong to this group I have good news for you. Just keep reading!

I usually put women into 3 categories: in the first there are ugly or average looking girls. In the second category there are girls with "supermodel" looks. And I named the last category, "girls you really like". The first needs no explanation. The second category changes by time and fashion: currently, it's girls who are 180cm tall, who weigh 50kg and who have mostly blonde hair and a certain type of face. When we talk about "hot girls" we like to talk about girls in this category. But what about the third?

Have you noticed that there are certain women you have "a thing" for? These girls don't resemble the actual trend in supermodels. At least not in 100%. They are taller or shorter. They might have a bigger nose or smaller lips. They might not have the biggest boobs. But there is one thing in common: you will have a "fetish" for these girls. A little thing or feature on their body, which attracts you like a magnet.

Let's see my case as an example. I love shorter (but slim) girls who have a very fragile body-type. Are these girls 180cm tall as the current trend in supermodels dictates? No. I also love girls with exotic faces or certain exotic features on their faces. Do these girls have a baby face like supermodels should? No. Do I still like these girls? Of course! If I am with a girl like this, am I getting the kind of women I want? Of course!

I'll share a secret you will like: Oftentimes, these unique types of girls you find attractive will find your type attractive as well! When I was younger and less successful with women, I have noticed getting signs of interest from these girls I had a thing for.

Later I realized that it was somehow made to be this way: I respond to their looks and they respond to mine. As I talked to many guys since then, I had to realize that I am not alone: most of the guys experience this! I don't know if there is a logical reason behind this phenomenon, but it's not important at all. What matters is that you can attract the kind of women you have a thing for damn easily!

I don't say you should restrain yourself from going for supermodels. But do not let the trends dictate which kind of girls you should date and which kind you shouldn't. The above is the type of women, which could give you a lot of joy and happiness.

Finally, if you want to know how to seduce the kind of women you want, there is an e-book I've written. I cover each step of the seduction process, from understanding the way women think, to learning to be a Man who attracts girls with his presence, approaching women the right way, secrets of making your dates successful and effective, improving your sexual life and a lot, lot more... Whether you are ugly, bald, young, old or broke, the techniques I teach will work for you like charm!

About The Author
Giuseppe Notte has created "All About Women", the *ultimate* guide on turning YOU, the average guy into a sex-magnet who gets the most beautiful girls - whether you are fat, ugly, bald, young or broke!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Essential Dating Technique - The Fine Art Of Kissing

By Charles Cuninghame

You may be the smoothest operator ever to grace a singles barstool, you may have the looks an extra on The O.C. and the sensitivity of the Dalai Lama, but if you're terrible at tonsil hockey or a let down at the lip-lock, then you're just not gonna make it in the romance stakes.

According to John L. Ferri, author of Sex in the Romance: A Review of Romantic Encounters of the Close Kind: "Kissing is an art and a highly individual and personal expression of affection and love." Scientists tell us that kissing signals our brains to produce oxytocin, a hormone that gives us that gooey-all-over feeling we experience when making mouth music. If done properly it'll make you as horny as hell and is a bloody good indication of how you'll be in the sack.

So it's very important to get it right. Nothing turns a prospective bed mate off faster than a lousy kisser, such as the "Niagara Falls", who produces enough slobber to wash your car, or the "electric eel", whose tongue travels so far down your throat it begins to choke you. While everyone must develop their own technique, here are a few general pointers to ensure you keep them coming back for more.

Good breath is essential. OK so a taste of mouthwash is a dead giveaway you were anticipating a bit of nookie, but that beats the hell out of ashtray breath.

A bit of sensitivity goes a long way. Your smooching partner is probably not going to tell you how they like to be kissed, so you'll have to use trial and error (hopefully not too much error). Experiment with taking and following the lead, a mixture of tenderness and aggressiveness and kissing different parts of the body and face. Be playful and have fun!

Remember a good kiss is its own reward. Just enjoy it and don't get too caught up in thinking about what it might lead to - just let nature take its course.

Charles Cuninghame is a website copywriter in Sydney, Australia, and an online dating enthusiast.

Article Source: