Monday, November 27, 2006

The Best Way to Talk to Women

by Scott Patterson

If you really want to have success with women than you need to learn how to talk to a woman the right way. What I mean by this is that you have to avoid doing what 99% of all men do. When most men approach a woman they usually don't have any confidence, they don't sustain any meaningful eye contact, and they lack the necessary social skills to generate attraction from an initial conversation. The good news is that talking to a woman the right way is a learned skill. And just like reading a book or riding a snowboard anyone can learn how to talk to a woman the right way.

There are three basic types of conversation that you can have with a woman. The first type, is known as an informational conversation. This is when you are talking to a woman and you are simply giving her information about a topic in a very blasé or scientific way. Talking about your next job assignment is a good example of this. Obviously, this does not generate attraction. This could be the reason why many scientists have trouble getting a date. The second type of conversation is known as a one-way conversation. This can be either a man talking mostly about himself and not allowing a woman to get in a word in edgewise or this could mean that the man does not know how to engage or challenge a woman so that she will want to engage him back.

The third kind of conversation is known as a two-way conversation and this has a higher likelihood of generating attraction in a woman because she is now fully engaged with you. But having a two-way conversation is not enough to get a woman attracted to you. You must also be in total alignment with who you are as a confident male. Women are not attracted to men who don't know what they want in life. Women are also not attracted to men that don't have a spine. If you always cave into her demands, then she will actually get bored of you.

You will notice that in your many interactions with different kinds of women that they are going to challenge you. This is their way of testing you to see if you are who you say you are. So while you are trying to have a conversation with her she might start to become interested in you. One thing that I've learned over the years is that women love to test men. So they will do things that might seem a little strange. Out of the blue she might ask you to buy her a drink. She might also excuse herself to the bathroom and then on the way there she will stop and talk to a guy that she knows. And she's not doing this to be mean, she is simply going to see if you will get jealous. An insecure man gets jealous and a man who is not insecure won't. So watch out for these tests because they happen all the time.

Some things to keep in mind when you are talking to a woman.

1. Maintain eye contact longer than normal.

2. Make sure you have confident body language.

3. Ask her open-ended questions and then let her run with it.

4. Don't talk too much about yourself and never brag about your job, your money, or your car because these things only communicate insecurity.

5. Make sure you're well-groomed. This will communicate that you care about your appearance and that you have self-respect.

6. Ask for her contact information when your conversation is at it's acme.

7. Do not hang around too long unless you plan on getting her alone so you can really build up the rapport. Otherwise change locations or get her contact information and then leave.

By following these guidelines you are going to be much better off than the competition. So the next time you go online or you are at a coffee shop or you are in a bookstore make sure you keep the these guidelines and mind and your chances of success will skyrocket.

About the Author
Scott Patterson is a master at meeting, approaching, and attracting women. To find out how you can pick-up ANY woman in 7 simple steps, check out his free ecourse

Sunday, November 19, 2006

How to Be a Jerk and Succeed Wildly With Women

by Scott Patterson

Have you ever seen a guy who acts like a jerk but still manages to go home with beautiful women?

Well these guys know a secret which you can learn a lot from.

What they know is that many women are attracted to men who successfully combine being a jerk with having a humorous personality.

Often called "negging" or "cocky-funny", the idea behind this attitude is to act slightly arrogant while displaying intelligence and funny traits. It works because you are letting women know that you are confident while humorous enough to be desired.

If done correctly, this an incredibly powerful technique that makes girl instantly attracted to you. Here is how you can be the "funny/jerk" that women want...

First you should always remember to balance the attitude of a jerk while remaining funny. By acting too arrogant, you'll end up repulsing women instead of attracting them. On the other hand, if you spend the whole time cracking jokes you'll end up looking like a clown. Your goal is to carefully combine both attitudes and create the perfect "funny/jerk" personality.

So how do you go about becoming a funny/jerk?

To become a funny/jerk, it's important to create a certain attitude during your entire conversation with a woman. Your goal is to never making her completely comfortable when you are talking to her. This means you should tease her behavior or comments, and make her work for YOUR attention.

It works like this:

Whenever she says anything to you or asks a question, you come back with a comment that is funny, while slightly mocking her.

For instance, if a girl asks your name, you tell her that you can't reveal it, out of fear of her stalking you.

What you want to do is constantly use humor to catch her off guard. Anything she says should be responded to in a funny, slightly arrogant manner. Furthermore, try to implement a bit of sexual innuendo into your comments.

To create a successful "funny/jerk" attitude, need to work on altering your behavior in conversations with women. You can do this by sitting down and thinking of everything that a woman will typically say during a conversation. Then work on creating witty responses to the standard topics that often come up. Your focus is to create different statements that will catch her off guard while putting you in a position of dominance. The best lines will be ones that are humorous and slightly negative.

These principle behind the "funny/jerk" works because you are creating value for yourself to women you encounter. By being a little arrogant, you are letting her know that you are confident in yourself and that she'll have to work to get your attention.

My final piece of advice is to practice, practice, practice!

Creating a "funny/jerk" attitude is all about knowing what to say in each situation. At first, it may seem to go against the common thought of being "the nice guy" towards women. So in order to implement this attitude, you need to practice with women as much as possible.

When I say practice with women, I mean you need to try to take advantage of every situation where you are talking to a girl. Even if you don't want to pick them up, it's important that you use interactions with women to practice your comments and learn how to judge their responses.

Simply by practicing at all times, you'll learn the fine art of being a "funny/jerk". As a result, you'll discover that your interactions with women will improve and you'll end up going home with more women.

About the Author
Scott Patterson is a master at meeting, approaching, and attracting women. To find out how you can pick-up ANY woman in 7 simple steps, check out his free ecourse

Sunday, November 12, 2006

How To Pick Up A Girl

by Bill Allen

If you want to know how to pick up a girl you have to know a few things. A few very important things. When you learn how to pick up a girl you are learning things that will benefit you greatly. First off, when learning how to pick up a girl you have to learn about body language. Body language is VERY important. According to studies carried out over 50% of your communication comes from your body language - what you DON'T say and less then 8% of your communication comes from what you DO say.

What does this mean to you? How does this fit into you learning how to pick up a girl?

It is MORE important to pay careful attention to HOW you say things, and HOW you stand and HOW you act and HOW you learn to pick up a girl than it is to WHAT you say (at least initially).

When learning how to pick up a girl you can have the BEST game in the world and be able to really get any woman to like you loads, for example online, but if you used those same successful techniques in the real world to pick up a girl and lacked obvious confidence, lacked eye contact etc - You would simply CRASH and BURN.

So, honestly, when learning how to pick up a girl your body language is something that you must learn to master. It is SOOOO important in learning how to pick up a girl and attracting women overall. Later in the course we'll go into how you can use the female's body language to READ her mind and know what she's thinking (this is key in learning how to pick up a girl). This article is about YOUR body language and how that applies to you learning how to pick up a girl.

Ok... So, I'll cover the basics of learning how to pick up a girl as the advanced stuff is beyond the scope of this article (if you want more advanced detail concerning body language and the art of learning how to pick up a girl you can check out the site: (

Here are the learning how to pick up a girl basics:

Learning how to pick up a girl basics #1. Smile

You have to make the female feel at ease and comfortable. When learning how to pick up a girl you want to make sure that she knows that you are a friendly and fun guy and you are not a psycho as quick as possible. Very, very important when you are learning how to pick up a don't want to SCARE her! Especially when talking to her for the first time. You also need to let her know that you are confident and comfortable around women. A big and genuine smile is the best way to do this. It works. In fact, if you ever get an Ice Queen that you can tell is about to give you the "dead eye", give her a big smile. Practice smiling at random people. You'll be surprised by how many people smile back and at how many doors open to you. Smiling WORKS. Just don't make it a cheesy, fake smile

Learning how to pick up a girl basic #2. Eye contact

As you know there's nothing worse than staring at a woman's chest - or even looking. When learning how to pick up a girl you must make sure to abide by this basic rule. Don't look! It makes you just like all the other guys who drool over her. If anything you should use all your skill to NOT look at her chest - she'll wonder why her womanly powers don't work with you and she'll seek your attention and subconsciously TRY to get you to look! (Where this is applicable this is one of the best how to pick up a girl basic rules you can use!) When talking to her, try to maintain eye contact. Not too much because it can be intimidating, but if you aim to have eye contact with her around 70% of the time you are talking, this should be comfortable for most women. Don't stare like a crazy man, just be natural but if you naturally look away or are slightly shy when it comes to eye contact, make a conscious effort to have a little more. Eye contact can make serious connections within people. They say the eyes are a window to the soul and I think there may be some truth to that. There are even speed dating type events being run that involve just staring into each others eyes - and from what I hear, they are pretty successful. Maintain eye contact. Not too much, about 70% of conversation time. Be natural. Natural acting is a very important basic rule when learning how to pick up a girl.

Learning how to pick up a girl basic #3. Upright posture

When learning how to pick up a girl guys can get away with a bit of a hunch, but women really do prefer men with straight, upright postures. Most men who are trying to learn how to pick up a girl don't know or understand this. Look at all the big film actors like Pitt, Cruise etc. They all have good posture. It says to a woman you are confident, healthy, and strong (at least in mind). It's just generally more attractive and says lots about who you are. Plus it's good for your back and will help strengthen your back muscles making it easier to maintain. When you are learning how to pick up a girl make sure you get into the HABIT of having an upright posture.

Learning how to pick up a girl basic #4. Gesticulate with open palms

You will not hear this tip anywhere else (or if you do, it was almost certainly copied from this course). This is a very secret how to pick up a girl basic rule so don't share it with anyone who could be competition.

I've gone into in depth studies of body language and this one is a good one to use in MANY circumstances - I've adapted it here after solid testing of how to pick up women - however, some people suggest that when combined with a few other verbal and non-verbal techniques it can even give you a 50/50 chance of getting out of speeding fines! Anyway, basically, when you are talking to a woman and trying to make a point (that puts you in a positive light) or defend yourself (for example, a girl suggests you might be a player) you talk and using your hands you have open palms facing upwards. Keep your arms in front of your body with your palms facing the sky and smile as you talk. It works VERY well on a subconscious level to suggest you are being honest and telling the truth. And if you want a woman to begin to trust you, making her think you are being straight with her, is important.

This open palm gesticulation MUST be combined with a smile to work effectively and it will work for you when learning how to pick up a girl...just practice it and make sure it looks natural.

Those are the basics of body language you want to know when you are learning how to pick up a girl.

About the Author
If you'd like to learn more about how to pick up a girl and learn more effective secrets and methods visit