Sunday, August 27, 2006

14 Love Tips of Having Fun with Your Partner

by Subhash Kumar

A good relationship doesn't just happen. Couples who stay together for years aren't just lucky. It requires both people to actively care for and work on the relationship, just like a garden. Communication is Key
Communicate with your spouse. Let them know what you are feeling and how you are feeling. Don´t be silent. It does no one any good.

Day is Done
* Share a sunset with the ones you love. If it´s warm out, find a spot with a nice view of the sunset and sit with your loved one.
* Thank them for something they did for you today.
* Tell them you're glad you're sharing this sunset.
* Say "I love you".
* Share something for which you are grateful.
* Tell them how much they mean to you.

After work/school
After her/his work or school ride with him/her to his/her home, if she/he ask you to come in really do, but never ask if you may in. just give him/her a small kiss and go home.

Do some Flattery
To break out of the daily grind, be sure to compliment your partner on something - anything. Often people forget to comment on a pretty dress or nice shirt because they see that person every day. That quiet comment can be just the thing to lift spirits for an entire day.

Feel the love through text
Text message your partner. it might be new but a buzz in the pocket and a sexy romantic message brightens anyones day. Have to say me and my partner text so much we feel together when we're not. Of course it needs to work with both of you.

Tell him/her how you feel
Telling them how you feel can really open his/her hearts to you but first you must open your heart to him/her. Remember he/she may try to open your heart don't be afraid let him/her in and take it slow.

Make some dishes for him while you are with him
* You can make food what he likes when he's with him.
* There's a saying that ' heart connect with stomach '.
* It can make him feels that you love him and you care him.

Try to spent some time with him/her
If you find that due to work of school/college that you only get a small amount of time together then make the most of what you have. Hold him/her, make your partner feel loved and tell them their loved. There are allot of insecure people, even if they don't show it.

Surprise attack
When things begin to get repetitive and a little boring, plan a day when your partner and you have a good portion of free time to spend together. Before you leave to see your partner, put together a little picnic in a bag. Bring along a blindfold also. Keep your picnic plans a secret. when your partner gets in your car, just say "I have a surprise, now just trust me!" tie the blindfold around his/her eyes and drive to a romantic outdoor destination, some where you two haven't been to recently or somewhere that may have a little sentimental value. Watch What You Say
Think before you speak, never say anything out of anger and hold on to the special moment by making him/her know that they mean everything to you.

Wear Something New
Even if you just raid your closet for something you haven't worn in a long, long time, add a jolt of newness into your relationship. It can be great fun!

Have fun after a long day
Take a bubble bath together and then give each other a massage and enjoy your night by the fire.

Find a Nearby Escape
Log on to and have it map where you live. Now ask for interesting locations within an hours drive. You might be amazed at what you'd find, and it could be a great weekend getaway!

Wishing on a Star
Look up in the sky at night. Pick out a star. Call her and tell her to look out her window. Describe to her how to find the star you're looking at. Tell her that every time you look at the star, you'll think of her, and you'll make a wish. Tell her to think about you whenever she looks at the star, and to also make a wish. Chances are, you'll both end up wishing for the same thing.

For more details on LOVE TIPS.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

8 Ways To Heal When Love Hurts

by Lori Radun

Sometimes our loved ones hurt us. Dads can get physical or disappear from our lives. Moms can betray us with their anger and lack of support. A best friend can shock us by turning their backs on us. A spouse can be unfaithful and destroy our trust. Our children can take a destructive path that is sure to crush our heart. These are some of the big hurts in life that leave us wondering how we will ever heal.

But there are little hurts too that can build into mountains of resentment if we don't address them. Angry words are exchanged during an argument. A friend neglects your friendship. People take you for granted without even knowing it. Your child rejects you in a moment of hurt and frustration.

To hang on to hurt or anger is destructive to our emotional, spiritual, physical and relational health. It drains our energy, strains our relationships, and zaps the joy from our life. So how do we heal our heart when love hurts? Here are some suggestions to help you move beyond the hurt and get on with enjoying life.

Confront Your Anger: Our initial reaction when someone hurts or betrays us is often anger. Maybe we feel violated or disrespected. We want to perhaps lash back and make the other person hurt. Refrain from doing that. Anger expressed when we are hurt can be distorted and damaging to our relationships. Take some time to handle your anger in another way. Talk with a trusted friend, counselor or life coach. Express your feelings in a journal or write a letter to the person who hurt you (but don't give it to them).

Seek Truth and Understanding: How can you better understand the person who hurt you? What truth do you need to know about the other person? Sometimes people hurt us because they are hurting too. Other times people hurt us unintentionally. Ask for the truth and be willing to hear, accept and embrace it. Share your truth and help the other person understand you.

Search for the Lesson: Experiencing pain and suffering is not easy. However, there is usually a lesson to be learned from our pain. What aren't or weren't you paying attention to? What does this experience teach you about yourself and the other person? What changes need to be made as a result of your pain? While the human drama includes pain, we have a choice in how to view it.

Give Grace: We are all human, and we all make mistakes. Some mistakes are worse than others, and some mistakes hurt more than others. Most of us are doing the best we can in any given situation. People make choices based on their past, their belief systems, and the past and collective thought of humanity. Unfortunately, people sometimes make choices that hurt us. We need grace when we make choices that hurt our loved ones, and our loved ones need grace as well.

Accept the Love Deposits: When we are hurt, it is sometimes difficult to accept the apologies and attempts to make amends from our loved ones. Maybe your guard has been thrown up and you're unsure if you can trust again. One way to heal a wounded heart is to allow yourself to truly feel the sincere love deposits that are made to your emotional bank account. Maybe the love will come from the person who hurt you, but maybe it will not. Seek out and embrace the love that is being given to you.

Grieve the Sadness: With hurt comes sadness. Maybe you feel sad about what happened. Perhaps you feel sad about what you didn't receive. Sometimes the sadness is an indication that you need to grieve the loss of a dream. Allow yourself to feel the sadness - let the tears flow. Crying is a very cathartic ritual.

Set Appropriate Boundaries: When our loved ones hurt us continually, we may need to set boundaries for healing to take place. A child may need to go to his room when his anger is destructive. You may need to end a conversation with someone who is hurting you. It's even possible that you need to end a relationship that is repeatedly hurting your self-esteem. Healing cannot take place if we don't take care of ourselves. And people will not begin treating us with respect until we respect ourselves.

Forgive: Lastly, we need to forgive so that we can move on with life. Forgiving does not mean that we condone our loved ones behavior. It does not mean that we allow others to keep hurting us. To forgive means to give up all resentment and the desire to punish the other person. In our heart, it means we've cancelled the debt we feel others owe us.

Sometimes the only way to know love is to experience what love is not. Whatever the question, challenge or decision, love is always the answer. God is perfect love, and His desire is for us to model His character. Healing from hurts moves us closer to love.

About the Author
Lori Radun, CEC – certified life coach for moms. To receive her FREE newsletter and the FREE special report “155 Things Moms Can Do To Raise Great Children”, go to

Sunday, August 13, 2006

How to Get a Girl to Like You

by John Alexander

We've all had that special woman in our lives. You know... the one with the sweet personality, the really nice hair and a perfect face. She dates the more "adept" guys... but how can you get her to like you?

While men are primarily attracted to women based on their looks, a woman finds a man attractive because of his personality. A ideal man is an alpha male who's confident in himself and not afraid to take the lead and get what he wants out of life.

Ironically, what this means then is that the best way for a girl to like you is when she feels like she has EARNED you.

That's because to get a girl to like you, you should come from a mindset of high value. Never come from a position of neediness.

So the best attitudes to have towards any one particular woman are:

1. Nonchalance.

2. Non-attachment to whether she likes you or not. (By that I mean, if she likes you that's awesome, but if not, there are tons of other chicks out there who are equally as great as she is.)

The bottom line is that a woman should never be a challenge for you. Instead you should be a challenge for her.

In addition to placing a high value on yourself, you can also eliminate neediness by building up your social network. Make friends with as many women as you can. (Women are easy to make friends with.)

Also date as many women as you can... don't restrict yourself only to dating "that one special girl."

You see, the last thing you ever want to have going through your mind when you're around that special woman is, "God, I MUST have this girl! She's irreplaceable!" Having an abundance of women in your life will solve that problem.

Also, whenever a woman sees that other chicks are attracted to a guy, she too feels attraction. Psychologically, this is known as the "social proof" phenomenon... and it's much more powerful in women than men.

Ever noticed how your female friends drool over the guy at the corner of the bar who's got four babes at his table? That's social proof in action.

By the way, it's fine to think a girl is beautiful and to feel something strong for her.

Here's the key though... you must always remind yourself that there are LOTS of other women out there who are just as wonderful as that girl you really like.

If you start thinking that any girl is one of a kind, then that gives her power over you, and makes her lose attraction to you.

So, you're free to think that a woman's amazing. Just remember that lots of other girls are amazing too. That way you won't become needy.

So remember, place a high value on yourself, make her earn your attention, and hang out with as many women as possible... those are the three secrets for getting a girl to like you.

About the Author
John Alexander is the developer of "How to Become an Alpha Male", a seduction success system for men. Discover the excitement and pleasure of having gorgeous, horny women automatically drawn to you like a magnet.