Sunday, July 30, 2006

10 Tips for a Successful First Date

by Matt Buschbacher

Here's some tips for going on a first date to help you make sure that you're taking your relationship where you want it to go.

1. Take her somewhere that you go often. You'll give yourself a lot of credibility and value if you take her to place where everyone knows you. Stop and chat with the staff there. Learn their names and make sure they know yours. It only says good things about you. If you don't have a place like this yet, make one.

2. Take her to an interesting restaurant. It's a lot more fun to go eat sushi or some type of authentic ethnic food than just going to a more common restaurant. You don't want it too be so interesting that there's always something crazy going on and you can't talk to her. Just make sure it is a little different.

3. Relax. The more you relax and show that you're comfortable, the more your date will relax. If you feel like you're getting nervous or tense, just take a deep breath, relax your shoulder muscles and smile. Just focus on having a good time.

4. Get rid of your expectations. So many guys that I meet wrap expectations around everything they do. They think, "buying dinner = she's going to be my girlfriend or wife." If you just spend the time that you're together having a good time, acting like you would around someone you already know well and show that you couldn't care less if anything happens between the two of you, you'll have a much better chance of progressing things than if you act like she's the first girl you've seen in twenty years, acting really nervous and so dumb that she runs away.

5. Don't talk about normal boring topics or "guy topics". If you want to be like every other boring guy out there, talk about what job she has, where she has gone to or goes to college. Only talk about guy topics like sports, lifting weights or something like that if SHE is already very interested in them. Also, don't cling to a topic like it's the only thing you can talk about. If a conversation dies, let it go.

6. Have a story or two that you can tell if you run out of things to say. One of the best ways to keep a conversation going is to have a few stories that you can tell at any time. When the conversation stops, just say, "Anyway," and go into a story. The story doesn't have to be something too amazing, just a little bit different.

Tell a story about a date that you went on where your date did something embarrassing or funny. Women love to talk about relationships and I've found that they are the easiest to come up with. If you're having problems, just grab a girly magazine and read it for 15 minutes. You should find more than enough things to talk about in there.

7. Know a little bit about a lot of things. You can ask me about almost anything and I probably know enough about it to talk for at least 5 minutes. The more you know about, the easier it will be to hold conversations on just about any topic.

8. If your date wants to talk, listen to her. People like to talk and get the feeling that what they have to say is important. This doesn't mean that you should ask her endless questions trying to get her to talk. If she's not talking, feel free to. But, don't interrupt her if she is.

9. Don't try to impress your date. One of the worst things a guy can do is talk about how much money he has, what kind of a car he drives or anything else that comes across as trying hard to impress. If you do have a cool house or car, let her find out when she sees it. And if she isn't impressed by it, don't be surprised. You're much better off by just being a relaxed, fun, cool guy than you are trying to impress her.

10. Have a plan. You should have your date planned in advance. And although you should have it planned, you should also be flexible. If something comes up that could be a lot of fun, don't be so rigid that you can't change plans. Your plan should be more of a guideline so that you always have something to do.

About the Author
Matt Buschbacher teaches men all across the world how to meet and date women. He offers books, audio programs, seminars and workshops where he takes people into social venues and teaches them how to meet women live. Visit his site at and download a free sample of his book as well as get other great information about women and dating that will cut years off of your learning process.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Art of Flirting

by Joe Vetromile

Flirting is the way most people determine whether or not a member of the opposite sex is interested in them. Following is a quick outline on how you should go about the complex, sometimes fun, sometimes not so fun, task of flirting. It all beings with your approach.

The Approach

One person approaches the other. They move into closer physical proximity. This much is clear: NO approach equals NO possibility of initiating contact. You must approach!

Example: A woman sits down next to a man in a coffee shop, or a man stands near a woman in a dance club. This is the first step. Once you approach, you begin looking for the signs.

The Signs

The person who has been approached will always signal the other's presence in some way...a sign. This signal is not like a train whistle, however, more a subtle body language which you can learn to recognize. For example, he or she simply may look up, move over to make room, nod slightly, or signal with a glancing eye contact. A display of total obliviousness to the one who is approaching generally indicates lack of interest altogether. Don't be discouraged. But if the one you approached shows absolutely no interest, then it's time to re-group and try again. But let's say the approach works. You have your positive acknowledgement, now what? Time to talk

The Verbal Exchange

The two people may then engage in a mild verbal exchange about impersonal, unimportant matters such as the weather or the scene around them. The key word here is MILD. This is the classic place for the clever "line," but cleverness is not required. At this point, a verbal exchange is not for the purpose of sharing valuable insights about life or determining philosophical compatibility. It is just a vehicle to further the developing contact. Examples: Verbal overtures might include anything from "please pass the pickles" to "your looking great tonight", to "have you seen the waitress?". Without some form of verbal response, it is highly unlikely that the next step will occur. Let's say all is going as planned. Time for body language.

Body Language

Over a period of time, a couple that has begun to talk may also begin to orient themselves physically to one another, to turn toward one another until, if all is goes well, they are fully facing one another. This is your goal. This step can take minutes or hours . . . or weeks or months . . . to achieve. Yet, without this physical reorientation toward one another, not very much can ever happen, so give up on people who turn their back toward you for long periods of time! But if they don't...


The woman or the man (most often the woman) touches the other in a light, fleeting way. Examples: A couple might accidentally brush their hands against one another while reaching for a drink, or the woman might pat the man on the arm in the middle of a shared joke. The exchange of very subtle, almost glancing touches may continue for some while, and if all goes well, can escalate into the casual affections shown by couples who are dating. If you've reached this point, then flirting has now become the beginning of a relationship. The Art of Flirting should always end with the beginning of a relationship. Now get out there and flirt. The Art of Flirting is really the Art of making first contact. You only have one shot at making a great first impression. By following some of the guidelines we've established in this article, you should now be equipped to locate, approach, and ascertain whether or not your subtle flirting has opened the doors to a new and exciting relationship.

About the Author
My name is Joe Vetromile, and I'm an author/screenwriter living in So. California. I've written hundreds of articles on the subjects of flirting, dating and breaking-up.
Joe writes for a site filled with dating advice and tips. If you are looking for help with dating, love, and relationship issues then visit the site.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Kissing and Touching Techniques

by Ian Lewis

I know you've been there - some man or woman is kissing you and it just isn't working out. Their lips are moving too fast or too slow, their tongue isn't in the right places and they're just grossing you out. And then comes the heavy hand that caresses you until it almost hurts. You wonder, 'What is wrong with this person?' And then you wonder if that person has ever been you. Is it possible that your technique has turned off a man or woman in the past? That you, of all people, may not be the best kisser or caresser in the world?

Nah, I didn't think so. But, I bet you could improve on a thing or two to impress your lover a little more today.

Rough Lips are not Okay Good lord people, invest in some chapstick. If you like the feel of soft, supple lips on yours, why do you subject your lover to your rough, cracked lips on a daily basis? Apply chapstick every day and you will feel a difference almost immediately. Remember that soft lips feel good in other places too. Who knew chapstick had so many benefits?

Secrets to a Great Kiss Kissing involves more than just lips. It encompasses your eyes, tongue, caresses and rhythm. Leaving out one of these elements will send you down the kissing road of shame - so be careful. Kissing your lover is a very intimate act that can be passionate and special. But only if you make it that way. Force or rush a kiss and you'll realize how impersonal it can be. So, look deep into the eyes of your lover and cup their face in your hands to make every kiss one to remember.

When you're kissing your lover, run your fingertips lightly over their back and arms. You'll probably feel the goose bumps and the kiss will intensify. Trace the outline of your partner's face or rub their neck gently as you're kissing. These tips will turn an ordinary kiss into extraordinary, and heighten the experience.

Little bites and grabs on the lips of your lover are often welcomed during kissing as well. The man or woman you're with is sure to let you know if they don't like it. So, try it.. Just be gentle until you know how much pressure they enjoy.

Variety is the spice of life and kissing isn't any different. If your lover can predict your every move when it comes to kissing, it's time to try something new. Lick your partners lips, stop mid-way through and begin licking your lovers neck or whispering in their ear.

Try a slow, sensual kiss followed by a deep kiss and don't forget the caressing! Constantly run your hands and fingers over your partner's body to show how much you desire them. Run your fingers through your partner's hair using your nails softly. Kiss the corners of their mouth before going in for the real thing or start at the neck of your lover and work your way up.

When you're kissing your lover, be aware of how they react. If they don't seem into it, switch your kissing technique and try something new. Just don't worry too much about what you're doing and let it come naturally.

Use the tips I've mentioned here and you won't have anything to worry about. So, what are you waiting for? Go find a pair of juicy lips and start practicing!

About the Author
For internet dating and chat visit our Dating Directory at:

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Social Flirting For Men

by David Thomas

If you're at a club or a bar or somewhere else where there are girls out to meet people, which ones should you tend to aim to flirt with, and possibly end up dating? Take a good look at what the girls are doing. If they are just scanning the crowd, not talking to each other very much, this means one of two things. They may be desperate for a date, which may well be a type of girl to go for if you need to build up your confidence, but you may not find there's much inside; or they may be looking for entertainment, which is likely to be hard work.

It is generally better to try flirting with groups of girls that are spending a good proportion of their time talking to one another, but are also looking around. These are probably interesting girls to meet, and if the group is open enough that you could easily join it, that's another good sign. If the girls aren't looking around at all, they aren't interested in meeting anyone else! Look also for open body language. Folded arms and legs are not good signs; lively, lighthearted conversation is what you're looking for!

Once you've seen somebody you fancy in an open group or alone, before you put your foot in it, test the water. Start your flirting now, by looking at the girl for about four or five seconds. Look away for a couple of seconds with a small smile on your face, then look back again. If she's caught your eye and has a slight smile on her face, you're in with a good chance!

The next stage is to walk up to her, and begin your routine. You could do this by walking somewhere with a purpose in mind, and "accidentally" brushing against her. She will know that that was your real intention, which is exactly what you want, and you'll know whether it's worth continuing to flirt by whatever she says or does next! You'll either get a playful smile or something similar like a joke, which is a green light to go ahead, or you'll get a look of disdain or something like that, which is a signal to go away.

Don't worry about getting rejected! The best way of looking at this is to imagine that you're the prize, and if she's not interested then it's her loss. If she rejected you in an overly harsh way, would you have wanted her anyway? If you worry too much, then your lack of confidence will be broadcast for all to see by your body language. Also, be of the mindset that it doesn't matter whether you end up dating this girl or not. There are plenty of single, available girls out there! A great way to build your confidence, if you need to, is to keep doing this until you are comfortable doing it!

It's best to either join the group on your own; you will be displaying a lot of confidence if you do this, which is very attractive; or with one other man. Don't travel in packs when you're flirting; it just doesn't work. It's far too off-putting.

Once you've joined the group, don't ignore the rest of the people there; that would be rude. However, do concentrate most of your attention on the girl you fancy. Otherwise she will not get the message; she may even think you've gone off her!

If things continue to go well, you'll want to find some reason to touch her! I'm not talking about a handshake or a peck on the cheek, either. If she is close to your personal space, then she's looking to be touched, actually. Perhaps hold her arm lightly while you point something out to her. Touch does make a great deal of difference, and it should be high on the list in your flirting repertoire! As she and you get more comfortable with touching each other, you can then start to be more daring with your flirting! Who knows, maybe you'll get as far as a first kiss, or even further, tonight!

About the Author
David Thomas publishes various dating articles on Get free flirting advice and dating service reviews such as these for the free services PlentyOfFish and OkCupid!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

How to Attract a Woman - Secrets Revealed

by Anthony Pace

Many men would love to know the secrets of how to attract a woman. The reality is that all men are capable of attracting a woman. She may not be the cover model of Victoria Secrets magazine, but there is someone out there for every guy. After receiving responses from over 100 participants, male and female, to a questionnaire regarding how to attract a woman, here are some common themes that are relevant.

Good grooming is essential in how to attract a woman. Women want their men showered, with combed hair, clean stylish clothes, with a subtle scent of cologne. Many men make the mistake of either not showering with the resultant body odor or they dump on a ton of cologne. Both will turn off women. Remember, sometimes you only get one shot at making a good impression so don't blow it on something as stupid as smelling bad.

Focus your full attention on the woman you are with as if she is the center of the universe and block out all other distractions. Make her feel special. Compliment her on her looks, dress, hair or something about her and really mean it. It will make her day. Look her straight in the eyes when she is talking and take care to avoid checking out other women. Also, women find it offensive when your eyes are running all over them. Eye to eye contact is important.

Manners are also important in how to attract a woman. Many people think the age of chivalry is over but I guarantee you that women find a well-mannered man very sexy. Open doors, pull out chairs, stand up when they enter the room. Be polite. When ordering food, say "please" and "thank you" to the server. Having manners also means listening intently to what a woman has to say, and respond respectfully to her opinions.

Women also like to carry on an intelligent conversation with a man. Many find an interesting man sexy. Intelligence can come in the form of being a good listener. Ask about her interests, her work, her hobbies, and pay attention to the details. This makes for good conversation. Also adding humor and flirting into the conversation can really spice things up. Women always remember someone who makes them laugh. And you can flirt by sending silent signals of your interest through subtle body language.

Be honest and sincere with a woman. Be yourself, always. You don't want a woman to be attracted to someone you are not! Be up front with her and don't lie about things. Lying from the start only complicates things down the line. Be completely honest from the start and if she likes you, you're in good shape. Remember that she either likes you for who you are or she doesn't. Keeping promises is also important. If you say you are going to call, do so. If you say you are going to show up at a certain time, do so. Don't make idle promises that you have no intention of keeping.

Having confidence is a major factor in how to attract a woman. Women can smell confidence from a mile away. They love men who are confident and secure about their character. It is has something to do with their biological makeup that instinctively shows them that you can provide for their security. Having quiet confidence is different from having a big ego or being arrogant both of which can turn women off. Bragging and boasting, particularly about your past triumphs with other women is another major turn off.

Finally, take pride in who you are even if you're different from other men. Emphasize your originality through your personality, intelligence and behavior. If you're a little nerdy, not that great looking, shy or whatever the case may be don't pretend you're anyone other than yourself. It is amazing that there are many guys who are not that great looking but have all kinds of attractive women interested in them. So don't give up on finding the woman you want, there is some woman out there for every guy.

About the Author
Anthony Pace is the author of this article. If you would like to learn more about what was discussed in this article, check out How to Attract a Woman