How to Attract a Woman - Secrets Revealed
by Anthony Pace
Many men would love to know the secrets of how to attract a woman. The reality is that all men are capable of attracting a woman. She may not be the cover model of Victoria Secrets magazine, but there is someone out there for every guy. After receiving responses from over 100 participants, male and female, to a questionnaire regarding how to attract a woman, here are some common themes that are relevant.
Good grooming is essential in how to attract a woman. Women want their men showered, with combed hair, clean stylish clothes, with a subtle scent of cologne. Many men make the mistake of either not showering with the resultant body odor or they dump on a ton of cologne. Both will turn off women. Remember, sometimes you only get one shot at making a good impression so don't blow it on something as stupid as smelling bad.
Focus your full attention on the woman you are with as if she is the center of the universe and block out all other distractions. Make her feel special. Compliment her on her looks, dress, hair or something about her and really mean it. It will make her day. Look her straight in the eyes when she is talking and take care to avoid checking out other women. Also, women find it offensive when your eyes are running all over them. Eye to eye contact is important.
Manners are also important in how to attract a woman. Many people think the age of chivalry is over but I guarantee you that women find a well-mannered man very sexy. Open doors, pull out chairs, stand up when they enter the room. Be polite. When ordering food, say "please" and "thank you" to the server. Having manners also means listening intently to what a woman has to say, and respond respectfully to her opinions.
Women also like to carry on an intelligent conversation with a man. Many find an interesting man sexy. Intelligence can come in the form of being a good listener. Ask about her interests, her work, her hobbies, and pay attention to the details. This makes for good conversation. Also adding humor and flirting into the conversation can really spice things up. Women always remember someone who makes them laugh. And you can flirt by sending silent signals of your interest through subtle body language.
Be honest and sincere with a woman. Be yourself, always. You don't want a woman to be attracted to someone you are not! Be up front with her and don't lie about things. Lying from the start only complicates things down the line. Be completely honest from the start and if she likes you, you're in good shape. Remember that she either likes you for who you are or she doesn't. Keeping promises is also important. If you say you are going to call, do so. If you say you are going to show up at a certain time, do so. Don't make idle promises that you have no intention of keeping.
Having confidence is a major factor in how to attract a woman. Women can smell confidence from a mile away. They love men who are confident and secure about their character. It is has something to do with their biological makeup that instinctively shows them that you can provide for their security. Having quiet confidence is different from having a big ego or being arrogant both of which can turn women off. Bragging and boasting, particularly about your past triumphs with other women is another major turn off.
Finally, take pride in who you are even if you're different from other men. Emphasize your originality through your personality, intelligence and behavior. If you're a little nerdy, not that great looking, shy or whatever the case may be don't pretend you're anyone other than yourself. It is amazing that there are many guys who are not that great looking but have all kinds of attractive women interested in them. So don't give up on finding the woman you want, there is some woman out there for every guy.
About the Author
Anthony Pace is the author of this article. If you would like to learn more about what was discussed in this article, check out How to Attract a Woman
Many men would love to know the secrets of how to attract a woman. The reality is that all men are capable of attracting a woman. She may not be the cover model of Victoria Secrets magazine, but there is someone out there for every guy. After receiving responses from over 100 participants, male and female, to a questionnaire regarding how to attract a woman, here are some common themes that are relevant.
Good grooming is essential in how to attract a woman. Women want their men showered, with combed hair, clean stylish clothes, with a subtle scent of cologne. Many men make the mistake of either not showering with the resultant body odor or they dump on a ton of cologne. Both will turn off women. Remember, sometimes you only get one shot at making a good impression so don't blow it on something as stupid as smelling bad.
Focus your full attention on the woman you are with as if she is the center of the universe and block out all other distractions. Make her feel special. Compliment her on her looks, dress, hair or something about her and really mean it. It will make her day. Look her straight in the eyes when she is talking and take care to avoid checking out other women. Also, women find it offensive when your eyes are running all over them. Eye to eye contact is important.
Manners are also important in how to attract a woman. Many people think the age of chivalry is over but I guarantee you that women find a well-mannered man very sexy. Open doors, pull out chairs, stand up when they enter the room. Be polite. When ordering food, say "please" and "thank you" to the server. Having manners also means listening intently to what a woman has to say, and respond respectfully to her opinions.
Women also like to carry on an intelligent conversation with a man. Many find an interesting man sexy. Intelligence can come in the form of being a good listener. Ask about her interests, her work, her hobbies, and pay attention to the details. This makes for good conversation. Also adding humor and flirting into the conversation can really spice things up. Women always remember someone who makes them laugh. And you can flirt by sending silent signals of your interest through subtle body language.
Be honest and sincere with a woman. Be yourself, always. You don't want a woman to be attracted to someone you are not! Be up front with her and don't lie about things. Lying from the start only complicates things down the line. Be completely honest from the start and if she likes you, you're in good shape. Remember that she either likes you for who you are or she doesn't. Keeping promises is also important. If you say you are going to call, do so. If you say you are going to show up at a certain time, do so. Don't make idle promises that you have no intention of keeping.
Having confidence is a major factor in how to attract a woman. Women can smell confidence from a mile away. They love men who are confident and secure about their character. It is has something to do with their biological makeup that instinctively shows them that you can provide for their security. Having quiet confidence is different from having a big ego or being arrogant both of which can turn women off. Bragging and boasting, particularly about your past triumphs with other women is another major turn off.
Finally, take pride in who you are even if you're different from other men. Emphasize your originality through your personality, intelligence and behavior. If you're a little nerdy, not that great looking, shy or whatever the case may be don't pretend you're anyone other than yourself. It is amazing that there are many guys who are not that great looking but have all kinds of attractive women interested in them. So don't give up on finding the woman you want, there is some woman out there for every guy.
About the Author
Anthony Pace is the author of this article. If you would like to learn more about what was discussed in this article, check out How to Attract a Woman
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