Saturday, September 23, 2006

Top 5 Ways to Make a Woman Irresistibly Attracted to You

by James Brito

If you want to attract women, you have to think like a salesman. Know what your clients want, and tune your product--that's you--to fit the clients' needs.

In order to do that, you have to do the same thing all marketers do to capture people's interest with their products: develop killer PACKAGING. Hey, let's face it: women judge men based on looks. And who can blame them? Before they can get to know you, they only have visual things to judge you on: your clothes, your height, your body language, your status. We men are just like any other product: in order to sell well, we need great packaging! It all comes down to women's evolutionary instincts: find the best mate for them and their unborn children. How do they do this? By seeing which men are strong, which ones are successful, and which ones have high status.

While times have changed, still these instincts remain. One evolutionary scientist, Dr. David Buss, did a study of over 10,000 people in 37 countries, on six continents, and found that women value men based on three big things: ambition, status, and financial resources. Similarly, relationship expert, Andrea P. Roberts, suggests that women determine a man's worthiness based on 3 "T's", or "takais," a Japanese word that represents good qualities: education level, physical height, and salary level. Quite a bit deeper than having a nice ass and big breasts, isn't it?

Okay, some of you may be thinking: Well, I'm not tall, and I'm not rich. Now what?!?

The good news is, height and wealth aren't the be-all and end-all of attraction; they're just aids to success. It's similar to saying you want a really expensive car...but that doesn't mean you'd never drive a Honda. In fact, for a lot of people (including women!), when you learn that Hondas have better mileage than Hummers, they can be more attractive! As Roberts writes, "even an ordinary man doesn't have to be exceptionally rich or powerful to make women want him. It's all a matter of the women's perspective if he ends up taller, smarter or wealthier than them."

Got that? It's all about perspective: how you market yourself successfully to a woman. Hey, lots of people know that Creative MP3 Players are better quality than I-Pods, but that doesn't seem to stop Apple from selling I-Pods like hotcakes, does it? So if you're short, or of average income, but present your positive traits in the right way, it won't matter: you'll become the I-Pods of men! As Roberts writes, "Think of Napoleon, Mickey Rooney or Groucho; they are humorous, artistic or politically powerful men who wooed women into their beds and, horizontally, the height issue wasn't a factor. Polite and persuasive persistence is the best trait."

So what we have are five areas that we must market effectively if we want to spark an initial attraction from women. After that, it's up to you to show what a great guy you are: let her know you're special, unique, one of a kind. That's what makes you...a best-seller!

1. Ambition From an evolutionary stand-point, this one makes complete sense. Think cavemen and cave women in the Stone Age, with some of the weaker cavemen seeking a higher station in the tribe. Who do you think the cave women went for? The men who hobbled along meekly in the bottom of the order...or the men who strived for more and sought a higher place in the pack? Much of a woman's desire to be with a man who is ambitious and seeks success, is based simply on survival: The more powerful the man, the more likely she'll survive and live well. Logically, going for a guy who has no ambition means she's likely to live in poverty and struggle. Not very appealing, is it?

So you have to present yourself as a guy who's not satisfied with his station in life. This is good for both you and her. If you're making $6 an hour at McDonald's and are content to stay there, not many women are going to be attracted to you. But if you're making $6 an hour and working your ass off to own your own franchise, taking business classes at night so you can learn how to run a business: well, suddenly you're not so bad-looking! Believe me, women will give men a chance, they want to give men a chance--as long as they see potential. Know that quote, "Behind every great man is an even greater woman"? Show you've got potential and direction, and you'll get that great woman.

2. Status Again, evolutionary instincts of survival make women naturally attracted to men of high status. High status=good living for herself and her children. Fortunately, projecting high status does not have to be difficult; according to Roberts, "Wearing the right clothes, especially nice shoes, can go a long way toward portraying wealth. Taking on the unshaken or unworried attitude of wealthy men can project affluence. Hesitant, irresolute, bland men come across as having lower incomes and being less reliable." Got that? You don't have to be a powerful, articulate man yourself-you just have to project similar qualities. Some of these qualities include:

* Not putting yourself down. Without being a braggart, talk positively about your accomplishments, job position, and possessions-even if they're not much. If you treat things as a big deal, other people will, too. Conversely, if you downplay your accomplishments and character, women will, too. Your attitude is contagious, so make sure it's an enthusiastic, enlivening one that people enjoy.

* Act like you deserve good women. Don't let women assume a higher status than you. Show them that YOU are the one with higher status. You can do this in a number of ways, including not acting impressed by a woman's beauty or career (say, she's a model); teasing her about her clothes or makeup; and asking her to buy you a drink. Chances are she won't, but just by acting like you deserve it, you raise your status! She's not such an untouchable goddess in the end.

Remember, as well, that women want to EARN a man; they relish the challenge of luring in a winning catch. So play hard to get: talk to other girls, say you've got to be leaving just when things are going well, don't immediately ask for her phone number. If you act like a man who can have his pick of women, then chances are, you will!

* Knowing people of high status. This is a great one. Get to know the people of power: the club owners, bartenders, maitres'd. Position yourself as a sociable person who's in the know. When a woman sees you getting special treatment and chatting with high-status people, she'll see right away that you're someone of importance. It will also reduce the importance of the other factors, such as height, money, and ambition; immediately you've proven yourself valuable.

* Social proof/Female acquaintances. Hey, nothing says, "This guy's attractive" than having females around him. Of course, the hotter they are, the hotter you look, but even just having average-looking female company can only help: it shows women that other women are interested in you. Do your best to get your female friends and family (sisters, cousins) to come out with you. It's social proof, and it works!

* Wearing nice clothes. "When a man is well dressed," writes communications expert, Leil Lowndes, "it signifies his ability to provide for her offspring." You don't have to be rich and powerful to wear nice clothes. You just have to show that you're a man of quality, a man headed towards somewhere who pays attention to dress (something women cna never get enough of). Formal clothes, such as a suit, convey that you are serious about success; you desire good things. So just by wearing a nice sports jacket, dress shirt, and slacks, you let a woman know you're a man with status. You're a man who could provide for her and her children.

The colors you wear are vital: Studies show that red, burgundy, and black clothes convey high status. So get yourself some slick black suits or formal wear, a red shirt, and one of my favorites (and girls'!), a sleek burgundy button-down shirt. They all convey regality and strength.

In the case of red, you have the added bonus of sexuality, power, and dominance: definitely good qualities to portray! Go and purchase a nice red polo shirt, or red tie for your suit.

If you enjoy white clothes-the color of purity and cleanliness-then make sure you work on your TAN. White clothes against a dark backdrop make you look exotic, sexy, and well-travelled. You don't have to be an jet-setting playboy, to look like one!

* Winning body language. Women judge men by the way they move and position themselves; it's part of their superior communication skills to know what a man is thinking or feeling based on his body language. So, position yourself in the right way: don't slouch, sit upright, gaze at her knowingly, lean into her to initiate intimacy. I've got a great column on body language that will teach you the right ways-and the wrong ways-to project high status.

3. Financial Resources According to Matthew Fitzgerald, author of "Sex-ploitation," "Studies with college coeds show that when shown photographs of men dressed in high-status uniforms, ties, expensive watches, etc.) and low-status uniforms, these women would be significantly more willing to enter into relationships with the more expensively-attired males regardless of the man's physical appearance. To a woman, attraction is simple: green is very good-looking."

Okay, so not every guy has money for expensive suits and watches, and materialism may not be part of your game. However, if you want to impress women, one of the fastest ways is by wearing snazzy clothes, sporting nice shoes (girls LOVE shoes!), and driving an expensive car. Especially when it comes to designer brands, women are VERY keen at spotting high-quality products. It's just part of their nature; with expensive possessions come high status and ambition, and a more comfortable lifestyle. Again, this all comes from their instinctual drive for survival and prosperity for themselves and their children. By owning the best, you become the best. At least on the surface.

Ultimately, if you want true love it's up to you to find women who share the same goals and values. If money and status aren't the most important things in life for you, don't chase the girls who do prioritize those things. Don't go for the shallow, bitchy types who only judge a man by how much he can spend on her. Read my blog on choice to gain a greater understanding of the importance of choosing only women who fit YOUR purpose, direction, and values.

4. Educational Level Knowledge really is power, and on top of that, it's an aphrodisiac! Gone are the days when being smart was acquainted with being a nerd; now, knowledge and intelligence are your friends. It's the easiest way to money, and the easiest way to success. So show it off a little. Let her know your TALENTS, your interests, your areas of special knowledge. As Roberts writes, "Women are drawn to experts like the Crocodile Hunter, Bill Gates and Chris Rock because they're experts in their industries." None of those guys is particularly good-looking, but they're good at what they do, and parlay their knowledge into success, which drives women wild.

A guy who's an expert is one who is clearly successful and of higher status. At the very least, having a special knowledge means you have the TOOLS for success, and can provide intellectual stimulation for a girl (which, unless she's a bimbo with an IQ of 70, is quite important for women).

Additionally, just being in school is a great way to show off your knowledge: "If you're in school, not only are there more women available, but you've already demonstrated to them that you're getting educated. Otherwise, it's up to you to come across as reliable and credible without making her feel dumb."

5. Physical Aptitude Physical height alone is an easy way to catch a woman's attention, but it's not the only thing. Again, evolutionary mechanics come into play here. A man who is tall, strong, and athletic is more likely to fend off threats to the woman and her children. He is also more likely to have a strong immune system, which will further aid their chances of survival. So, you can't blame women too much for valuing these things: in the world of female attraction, it really is a survival of the fittest. Those who show women they are in shape and healthy are much more likely to survive the dating game! Ergo, athletes, bouncers, firemen get the girls.

As for height, it's all a matter of perspective. We've all seen short guys with tall beautiful women. Neil Strauss himself, the best of the best pickup artists, is just 5'6" yet gets more beautiful women than we can imagine. How? By believing in himself. By positioning himself as a man of high status. By not bowing down to women of greater height or beauty. And by being a guy women know is fun and energetic to be around. In short, he's got INNER GAME, and when you have that down, nothing can stop you. You may even find yourself dating women who are taller than you!

But remember, presenting a man who's healthy and strong, willing to stand up for himself and the girl in a fight: that's the kind of guy who women will go for, regardless of height. Did you know that men with strong immune systems give off pheromone scents that women are instinctually attracted to? If you pay attention to what you eat and go to the gym on a regular basis, you're going to build your immune system up, and attract women without even trying! So do it, and watch the number of dates you get, soar.

In the end, men are like books: women judge them by their covers. But inside is an even great story. So make your cover captivating, and you'll become a "best-seller" in no time!

About the Author
James Brito, bestselling author of "How to Be Irresistible to Women" and "The Art of Impressing Women," regularly explores topics of female attraction. Since 2000, he has helped thousands of men around the world build confidence and get the women they deserve. To get his free six-part audio mini-course, visit:

Saturday, September 16, 2006

6 Gifts You Should Never Give Your Girlfriend

by Janette Vince

It's your girlfriend's birthday or your first Christmas together, and you want to get her the best gift she's ever had. Gifts mean a lot to women. The right gift tells her you're thoughtful, observant, and you really understand her. The wrong one, however, can tell her just the opposite. Don't get stuck in her Bad Boyfriends Book of Records. Here's a list of the six worst gifts to give your girlfriend.

Exercise equipment. Nothing says, "I think you could stand to lose weight" like a Stairmaster. The same goes for a set of barbells, a Pilates instructional video, or a gym membership. Even if she's talked about getting fit, this kind of gift will make her wonder whether you like her body the way it is.

If you really would like to see her exercising more, lead by example. Join the gym yourself. Chances are, when she sees how great you look and feel, she'll be inspired to join as well. You could also take up a physical activity you could do as a couple, such as cycling, jogging, or hiking. To increase the chances she'll get into it, pick an activity she's expressed interest in before. It should also be one you can do relatively easily. Don't decide to take up sea kayaking if you're two hours' drive from the ocean, for example, and don't pick one that you need a lot of expensive equipment to get started in.

Cookware. The subliminal message here is "Get in the kitchen and make me some supper, woman!" This is a bad gift even if she's expressed interest in cooking--or if you'd like her to. If you have a master chef for a girlfriend, it's especially important to pass on this kind of gift. It's likely she has everything she needs already, and most high-level cooks are picky about their equipment.

If you really would like to encourage her to cook more, start with some positive reinforcement. Praise the meals she does cook. If you tell her you see her as a great cook already, she's more likely to take more of an interest in the culinary arts.

A vacuum cleaner. The same goes for feather dusters, mops, bottles of Pine-Sol, oven cleaner, Lemon-Scented Joy, and any other household cleaning products. These gifts tell her that you see her as more of a maid than a girlfriend.

A puppy. Animal gifts are tricky. Sure, puppies and kittens are adorable--but they're also a lot of work. Food and vet bills can be expensive, and many pets require a change in lifestyle to take proper care of. For these reasons, it's best not to surprise your girlfriend with a new pet.

Part of the fun is choosing the pet yourself. If your girlfriend has told you she wants a dog or cat, offer to take her to the local animal rescue shelter instead and pay for the pet she picks.

Something you want for yourself. You know you've been tempted to buy her that subscription to Fly Fishing magazine, new set of golf clubs, or Playstation II. Don't do it! She'll see through it instantly.

Jewellery. Jewellery has a great deal more meaning for most women than other gifts. If you give the right one, she'll see it as a sign that you're the right guy for her. If you get it wrong, however, at best she'll laugh about it with her friends for ages. At worst, she could see it as grounds for doubt about the relationship. If you're going to give her jewellery, you'd better get it right the first time.

What makes giving jewellery so difficult is that every woman has distinct tastes. The jewellery you pick could be too chunky, too eccentric, too classic, too delicate, too cheap-looking or expensive-looking for her. Some women never wear gold, some never wear silver, and most women have a preference for certain precious stones over others. If you really do want to give her jewellery, casually take her into a few stores. See how she reacts to the merchandise. Make note of any pieces she especially likes. Then go back later to buy them.

Most women don't want practical gifts from their boyfriends. They want gifts that send a positive message about how you see them. A sparkling diamond bracelet tells her you see her as precious and beautiful. Elegant lingerie can tell her you see her as sexy and desirable. A book about something she finds fascinating tells her you take her interests seriously. However, it's important to take her unique tastes into account before buying her any present. If you do, and if you follow our tips, you should be able to find her the perfect gift.

About the Author
Janette Vince is managing director of a website full of great gift ideas whatever the occasion. For a range of interesting, novel and exciting gifts visit the website at

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Man's Best Wingman: How to Train Your Dog to Help You Attract Women

by James Brito

When you need someone to help you attract a girl, go to your's best friend, that is!

Yes, dogs are great "assets" towards picking up woman. Attraction isn't a choice--but if you understand how having a dog is something that women are naturally attracted to, you can use a dog to your advantage!

First, a warning: DON'T get a dog just for picking up women! As a dog-lover myself, it's important that I tell you to only get a dog if you're going to fully train it and give it the time and attention it needs. I actually just found out about a great site for dog training. It'll help you decide if you have the time and energy for a dog, and if so, what to do to train it properly. As I mention below, a well-trained dog is an attraction-building dog!

Benefits of Showing Off a Well-Trained Dog:
* If your dog is well trained, it shows you're in control and have power over animals--which will make it seem like you have control over women, too.

* Having a dog makes you look more affectionate. Give your dog lots of cuddles and praise in front of girls--they love this.

* It shows connections. As women are all about friendship building and connection making, having a bond with a dog shows you know how to build a bond like nothing else.

What dogs are best? Definitely the beautiful, lovable, fairly big dogs, like golden retrievers, German Shepherds, and labradors. You especially can't go wrong with a lovable, playful Golden Retriever. Small toy dogs, like Pomeranians and chihuahuas, may be cute, but they don't exactly make you look manly. Conversely, big, aggressive dogs, like Dobermans, may make good protectors, but if you have any fear that they could be aggressive towards woman, don't trot them out for play in front of a girl--a loud, aggressive dog can easily backfire on you!

How to use your dog for your attraction skills:
* Play with your dog. Have fun with him. Show the girl you're having a good time: when a girl sees the dog is having fun with you, she correspondingly feels like she could have fun with you. You come across an energetic, fun person.

On top of that, by getting physical and into it with your dog, you show you like to exercise and are not a lazy, sit-around-home kind of guy. Just by appearing outside at the park, you come across as sociable and fit.

* When playing with your dog, make sure you teach him some tricks, and do those tricks in front of the woman. This is great for filling the second rule of The Tao of Steve: Have a talent it and present it to the woman. If a woman sees that you can train a dog and make him obey you, she'll wonder what it's like for HER to obey you...a very scintillating prospect!

* Without making it obvious, get the dog to go to your girl. You can do this by throwing a ball near her (a bit obvious), or running around with the dog near the girl, and doing something funny like making the dog jump a lot. Girls love to see an excited dog playing with his master. If you're really bold--and your dog is trained to do it--you can have your dog do something cheesy like bring a flower to the girl. Do this by training your dog the Fetch and Leave commands.

It's no wonder dogs are so great for attracting beautiful girls: What woman doesn't love a cute furball who's full of fun and excitement? Actually, we could learn a few things from dogs:

* Girls love someone who's bursting with energy
* It pays to know a few "tricks"
* Don't be afraid to showboat a little!
* Girls love to be licked
* Come only when commanded!

Great teachers, great attraction getters: dogs truly are a man's best friend!

About the Author
James Brito, bestselling author of "How to Be Irresistible to Women", regularly explores topics of female attraction. Since 2000, he has helped thousands of men around the world build confidence and get the women they deserve. To get his free six-part audio mini-course, visit: